| The Best Small Fictions 2015
edited by Robert Olen Butler | Queen’s Ferry Press 2015
"The Theatrical Production of Lewis Carroll"
| Phoebe Journal
Spring 2015
"On L. Ron Hubbard's Battlefield Earth"
| Tin House
| The Rusty Toque
2016 Fiction Chapbook Contest Finalist | Fall 2016
"Pre's Clock" | "Prefontaine in High School" |
"When Prefontaine Ran through a Wall"
| SmokeLong Quarterly
Summer 2017
| Whiskey Island Magazine
Spring 2018
"The Orb"
| Adroit Journal
Spring 2019
"Mailman Drinking a Milkshake"
| River Styx Journal
2019 Microfiction Contest Winner | Summer 2019
| Fairy Tale Review
Spring 2020
"Collective Nouns for Mammals"
| Western Humanities Review
Spring 2020
"The War Malady"
| The Volta
| Mid-American Review
Sherwood Anderson Fiction Award Editor's Choice | Fall 2012
"The Elf"
| CutBank
Big River Fiction Contest Winner | Spring 2012
"When Lewis Carroll Faced the Jabberwocky"
| 30 Under 30: An Anthology of Innovative Fiction
Starcherone Press | Spring 2011
| C: An MLP Stamp Stories Anthology
Mud Luscious Press | Spring 2010
"The Tight-Rope Walker"
| Quiddity
Spring 2010
"Prefontaine on the Surface of the Sun"
| Zero Ducats
Spring 2010
"Pre in Vietnam" | "Pre's Beer"
| Springgun Press
| New Ohio Review
Fall 2008
"The Effects of Laudanum"